Sunday, August 8, 2010


Wikis are an incredible tool especially when teaching students who these days thrive off technology. Wiki is a remarkable web page used to store interesting information of any person’s choice! Wiki can be used by anyone with access to the Internet and can be changed and edited by anyone in the world. (Leuf & Cunningham, 2001)

Here is a link to a Wiki that I created.

Wiki can definitely be a useful tool in the classroom. Each learner can access a Wiki page the learning manager has created and complete certain tasks, assignments, cool games and much more. Wiki is a fun and excellent way to learn online which parents can also view to gain an understanding of what their child is currently learning. As a future learning manager I would suggest using Wikis in the classroom to engage each learner.

Reference List:

Epstein, N.(2006) (accessed: 8/08/10)

Leuf, B & Cunningham, W. (2001) The Wiki Way: Quick Collaboration on
the Web, Addison-Wesley: Boston, p. 15. (accessed: 08/08/10)

NIEHS Office of Management, (2008), Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. (accessed: 08/08/10)

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