Wednesday, July 21, 2010


A blog (also known as an online journal) is a useful website used by an individual to obtain specific information or data, personal reflections, opinions, links to other blogs, web sites and other resources such as graphics or videos.
In this generation, students are extremely technologically literate which means in a classroom the learning manager must use technology in order to engage each learner.
Using blogs in a classroom is an effective tool when engaging each learner; for a blog can be used for question and answering, allowing students to view and comment on other student’s opinions and also personal reflection. Students would be able to use the World Wide Web to further their learning by gathering information on each topic given by the learning manager and paraphrasing the gathered information into their blog then eventually reflecting on their own work.
When engaging students, using technology is vital, for students thrive off using any means of technology. Using blogs and other technological tools are useful and appealing to students in this generation.

1 comment:

  1. Some interesting points raised here Ornella with a comprehensive view of blogging and its functionality in the educational context. Amoung the various other benefits of blogging, it is also important to remember its part in collaborative learning which this task emulates.
