Sunday, July 18, 2010

What is your learning style?

The memletics learning style inventory test conducts each individuals dominant learning styles. Understanding your learning style has a great impact on the way you interpret different situations in everyday life, “Your preferred styles guide the way you learn. They also change the way you internally represent experiences, the way you recall information, and even the words you choose.” (Advanogy, 2007)
After undertaking the memletics learning styles inventory test; I have been informed that my dominant learning style is Aural; which means I like to incorporate sound and music into my everyday life which enables me to learn more effectively. As a future learning manager I could integrate sound and music into everyday learning experiences to engage my students. This allows me to use my dominant learning styles to learn about each student. Below is my learning style chart:

To engage each learner the learning manager must profile each student correctly to find their personal strengths and weaknesses and incorporate them into classroom lessons. For example:

Visual Learner: The learning manager can cater to a Visual learner by increasing the amount of images, pictures, colour coding and maps in the classroom whilst teaching. This enables the visual learner to understand and be engaged in the school work.
Social Learner: A social learner communicates well with others, therefore to cater to a social learner creating activities where students work collaboratively will effectively engage a social learner.
Physical Learner: Incorporating physical learning such as classroom experiments, gardening, jigsaws, making models etc. into the classroom would greatly engage a physical learner for this type of learner may become fidgety, frustrated or unmotivated if they are sitting in one spot for too long.
Verbal Learner: A verbal learner increasingly finds the need to express themselves. To cater to a verbal learner the learning manager may constantly ask the learning to read something out to the class, ask the learner questions, asks the learner to share their response to the class.
Solitary Learner: A solitary learner is introspective and independent. This learner spends some time on self analysis and reflection. To cater to a solitary learner the learning manager must give this student time to reflect on each piece of information given at the end of each lesson and to re-evaluate what the learner has learnt throughout the lesson.
Logical Learner: A logical learner best learns with figures and numbers. This learner has excellent mathematical and problem solving skill. The learning manager can pose complex mathematical questions specifically towards this learner to maintain their logical skills.

Using various ICTs in the classroom is very important in today’s technologically literate society. Students in this generation thrive off different technologies, with this knowledge it is vital for the learning manager to incorporate ICTs in the classroom. ITCs such as PowerPoint, YouTube, Interactive whiteboards, WIKIs and various other ICTs, are excellent tools when engaging various learning types. ICTs effectively increases the knowledge of each learner and successfully caters to each learning type.

Reference List:
Advanogy, (2007). Overview of Learning Styles, (18/07/10)

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