Thursday, July 15, 2010

My Experiences So Far!

Hello Everyone,

There are various things I have learnt from this course already that I had no idea existed! Of course I knew about Google because Google is recognised as the world's leading search technology company. (Page, 2009)
According to Larry Page the co-founder of Google says, “Google is the perfect search engine that would understand exactly what you mean and give back exactly what you want.” (2009)Personally I agree with this statement.
Until recently I had no idea about blogging, Google reader, Wiki and other online recourses. Becoming Learning Managers and being in a highly technologically literate society we need to learn technology as much as possible to be able to engage our students.

I believe the Managing eLearning course effectively teaches us as Learning Managers how to appropriately use technology to hook our future students into fun, relevant and effective classroom learning.
I can honestly say that I have had hardly any experience with any new technology besides the basics that I learnt from high school, for example: Google, PowerPoint and Youtube but for our own safely Youtube was blocked by Education Queensland.

I am excited to learn new and exciting things about technology so that as a future Learning Manager I will be able to use technology in many aspects of teaching. Feel free to read and comment on each blog.

Cheers, Ornella

Reference List:

Page, L. (2009). Larry Page, (Access date: 16/07/10)

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